
Fishkorn is the study of escapism. LeBron James’s block on Igoudala, Daniel Day-Lewis digging wordlessly for twenty minutes in There Will Be Blood, Stairway To Heaven, “I am the one who knocks,” the beautiful despair in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, and, heck, even that first bite of a perfect medium New York strip at St. Elmo’s in Indianapolis…all escapism.

Each and every one.

That’s what sports, film, food, etc. are: ways that we break free from the constraints of our daily lives. And while these mediums for pleasure can be mostly frivolous, they hold such a grip on our collective consciousness that their importance seems to rise above that frivolity. Therefore, I believe that they cannot and should not be absolved from criticism and the occasional deep dive into their merits.

Don’t get me wrong. This isn’t meant to get too heavy (although occasionally it may). My aim is to have some fun with this premise. We are, after all, analyzing the games that grown (mostly) men play or how well someone can pretend to be somebody else on a screen. So join me on my journey of criticizing people as they do things far better than I could ever dream to and if all goes well, this site will become a form of escapism all its own.

– Erik Belcarz