Celebrating George

In honor of Father’s Day, I believe it is time to take a moment to celebrate the greatest dad in movie history. A man whose actions and words inspired not only his fictional progeny but generations of film lovers to chase their dreams and take destiny in their own hands.

Who is this master of the paternal arts, you might ask?

Atticus Finch? Vito “Don” Corleone? One Clark W. Griswold?

No, no and no.

It is none other than George Douglas McFly (the Crispin Glover version. Not the homeless man’s George McFly portrayed by an upside-down Jeffrey Weissman (who?) in BTTF 2.)

He was a true Renaissance man. Aspiring author, cereal enthusiast (who orders cereal at a diner?), amateur bird watcher. His talents were many and varied.

But his true contribution to fatherdom comes in the way he TOTALLY outkicks the coverage in landing the one and only Lorraine Baines. Beautiful and fashionable, the FAR more popular Lorraine was so far out of George’s league (though the drinking problem knocked her down a peg) that they weren’t even playing the same sport. But through perseverance and a well-timed left cross, George won her over (after a brief dalliance with a cackling redhead). It was just as he always said, “If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.”

So, on Father’s Day, I propose a toast to you George. Everyone raise their glass with the senior McFly’s beverage of choice; milk…chocolate.